For all the fathers out there.

Father’s Day is this week! Whether the father figure in your life is a Ward Cleaver or a Darth Vader, we’ve got great coffee for you.
To celebrate Father’s Day we will donate $1 to Fathers Building Futures for every bag of Colombia Popayán Medium we sell through July 15th.
About the charity Fathers Building Futures connects formerly incarcerated fathers with their professional and civic promise. It is an economic development initiative, providing affordable, meaningful and useful services to the community. Fathers are trained in a business of their choice: Auto Detailing, Mobile Power Washing and Custom Woodworking.
About the coffeeOur medium-roasted Colombia Popayán is a robust, well-balanced, and intensely aromatic coffee from Cauca, in southwestern Colombia (near the border with Ecuador). It is a real crowd pleaser. The coffee has bright acidity, juicy body, and classic coffee flavors of chocolate, molasses and cherry. It is eminently drinkable and, these days, is my favorite to take home, as it works very well with hot or cold brewing.