It's BACK! Berry-bomb Ethiopia Worka Sakaro

Back by popular demand, this year’s Ethiopia Work Sakaro is just as fruity, sweet, floral, and winey as last year’s!
A classic, clean, crisp Yirgacheffe comprising heirloom varietals, and processed by anaerobic fermentation! This differs from traditional natural-process coffees in that after the ripe berries are picked and washed but before they are dried, they are bagged and flushed with nitrogen and carbon dioxide for 3-7 days of oxygen-free fermentation.
Last year this coffee received 94 pts in a blind evaluation by Coffee Review:
“Richly bittersweet, citrus-toned. Bergamot, dark chocolate, narcissus, cedar, molasses in aroma and cup. Bittersweet structure with vibrant acidity; plush, syrupy mouthfeel. The finish centers around notes of dark chocolate and bergamot.” - Coffee Review, November 2021
This is a limited-edition coffee, so get it while it lasts!